The Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency assists with completing applications for Healthy Kids (Michigan's Medicaid Program for children), MIChild, Healthy Michigan Plan and Medicaid for pregnant women who meet income eligibility guidelines.
Appointments to complete applications are encouraged.
To learn about these programs, check out the following websites:
Marketplace were trained navigators can assist you in applying for health insurance through the Marketplace, including setting up your electronic accounting, assessing your health insurance needs, selecting a policy, receiving tax credits, applying cost reductions, filing appeals and grievances.
MI Bridges portal allows you to sign up for Medicaid, Healthy Michigan Plan or other social services programs offered through the Michigan Department of Human Services.
MIChild is a program that provides health insurance to children up to age 19 years. To learn more about this affordable child health insurance program and its eligibility requirements just click on the link.
Healthy Michigan Plan expands Medicaid health insurance coverage to uninsured adults who reside in Michigan, are not currently eligible for Medicare or other Medicaid program, are between the ages 19 to 64 years and who have an income at or below 133% of the federal poverty level (using the Modified Adjusted Gross income methodology). If you are seeking health insurance only, check out this website to learn if you qualify.
Healthy Kids is a Medicaid health insurance program specific to pregnant women, babies and children under 19.
Children's Special Health Care Services is a supplemental assistance program available to anyone regardless of income or insurance status, who are under 21 years of age and who have a qualifying medical diagnosis which is chronic, severe, and requires treatment by a specialist.
For income eligibility guidelines and a list of the documents that will be necessary to process the application call the number below:
Coldwater: 517-279-9561 ext. 242 or 132
Hillsdale: 517-437-7395 ext. 242 or 321
Three Rivers: 269-273-2161 ext. 242 or 207