Communicable Diseases
- Communicable Disease Data 2023-2024
- Updated 10-18-2024
- MDHHS Mpox Information Center
- Posted 8.16.2022
- Communicable Disease Data 2022-2023
- posted 4-10-2024
- CDC Mpox Information Center
- Posted 8.16.2022
- What to do if you are sick with Mpox
- Updated 8.16.2022
- Parent's Guide to Illness - When to Keep Your Child Home
- Updated August 1, 2022
- Head Lice - CDC information
- More information from the CDC
- Hepatitis - A, B, C, D, E
- At the CDC website
- Mumps
- At the CDC website
- Norovirus - CDC
- At the CDC website
- Shigella - CDC
- At the CDC website
- Tuberculosis - CDC
- At the CDC website
- TB Skin Test - CDC
- At the CDC website
- MDHHS Head Lice Management and Treatment
- updated 9/26/24