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Finding Help During Tough Times

Have you been recently laid-off, hours reduced, fired, downsized?
There are services that the Health Department offers that you may never have considered because you didn’t need them. However, these services are available to the public and if you or someone you know is experiencing difficulty in today’s tough economic times please look at this list of services that could assist you, your children or your friends and neighbors.

Make Sure You Have Health Insurance
MIChild – under 19, no health insurance, family of 4 with monthly family income less than $2,800 – you probably qualify. Services include regular checkups, shots, emergency care, dental care, pharmacy, hospital care, prenatal care and delivery and mental health & substance abuse services. Cost is $10.00 a month for the whole family -regardless of number of children. You can be enrolled at the Health Department.
Healthy Kids - Health and dental care for pregnant women & children age 18 and under No monthly premiums. You can be enrolled at the Health Department.
MOMS – Prenatal services. No monthly premiums or co-payments. If you are enrolled in Medicaid we can enroll you at the Health Department.

If you need food assistance…
WIC – No it’s not just for infants. WIC is a supplemental food assistance program for pregnant women, and children up to 5 years of age. Qualify based on income, if you qualify for Medicaid you qualify for WIC.
Dental Care

Public Health Dental Clinic
Medicaid Dental Clinic in Three Rivers. If you qualify for Medicaid you can utilize these services for dental care.

Health Care Assistance
County Health Plan – for adults with no health insurance below 150% of Federal Poverty limits ($2,756 for a family of 4 monthly income and below) qualify for a limited set of medical services for small co-pays or zero pay.
Discount Prescription Card – Anyone who does not have prescription insurance can use this card – anyone. Get 10-25% off of many prescriptions and generics.
Vaccines for Children – kids often qualify for the vaccines for children program for their required childhood vaccines – you just pay the administrative fee.
Plan First – Ages 19-44, If you have no health insurance, you can get reduced cost family planning services. Services provided at the Health Department Offices by PPSWM.

Organization Information

Annual Reports


Organization Documents

- Strategic Plan
- Mission and Vision
- Agency Organization Chart