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Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Identified in Hillsdale County

Monday April 18, 2022

No human illnesses have been identified.

Branch Hillsdale St. Joseph Community Health Agency has been notified by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services of a Trumpeter Swan collected by Michigan Department of Natural Resources which tested positive for HPAI H5.

There are no additional cases identified at this time, nor has there been identified transmission to backyard or commercial flocks in the area. No human illnesses have been identified. There is not a food safety concern as you cannot get avian influenza by eating properly cooked poultry products.

“We encourage residents to continue monitoring birds for illness and practicing bio-security measures to protect their backyard flocks of poultry,” says Rebecca Burns, Health Officer.

There may be no routine signs of illness. Sudden death of a bird is a major indicator of HPAI. Sick birds may also experience:

Biosecurity measures include:

If avian influenza is suspected, contact MDARD immediately at 800-292-3939 (daytime) or 517-373-0440 (after-hours).

Michigan Department of Natural Resources continues to monitor watersheds for migrating flocks of wild birds.  If you observe the death of three or more wild or free ranging birds contact MDNR at Eyes in the Field site view site or Lt. Andrew Turner 517-284-4720 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

The Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency is committed to promoting wellness, preventing disease, providing health care, and protecting the environment.

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