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Residents Who Received Vaccine Out of State Encouraged to Update BHSJCHA

Tuesday May 11, 2021

Residents who received one or both of their COVID-19 vaccines in a state other than Michigan are encouraged to visit BHSJCHA so that information can be entered in the Michigan Care Improvement Registry.

This can be accomplished by visiting the BHSJCHA Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. (excluding holidays) at its Coldwater, Hillsdale, or Three Rivers offices. Upon arrival inside the building, a BHSJCHA staff person will provide the applicable paperwork to complete. Please be sure to bring your COVID-19 vaccine card with you to the BHSJCHA.

The benefits of updating the local health department are twofold: First, the vaccine is now recorded in the State database and on your personal healthcare record. Second, this information will be added to the County and State totals of the number of vaccinated individuals.

“BHSJCHA serves counties bordering the state line so we don’t know how many residents may have received vaccine out of state”, said Health Officer, Rebecca Burns, “The governor’s “MI Vaccto Normal” plan is opening up our state based on levels of vaccination, so it is important to include any out of state vaccinations in the count.” If you have any questions about this process or have general COVID-19 questions, please call 517.279.9561, option 7.

Vaccine appointments can be made on the BHSJCHA website at www.bhsj.org/scheduling or a list of pharmacies scheduling vaccine appointments near you . Vaccine Finder

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