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Kerosene Heater Safety

Wednesday October 3, 2018

According to the National Fire Protection Association, supplemental heating equipment, such as a kerosene heater, is the leading cause of home fires during the months of December, January and February.

If you plan to use a kerosene heater to help heat your home this fall or winter, use extreme caution. Home heating equipment trails only cooking equipment as the leading cause of home fires year-round.

Some tips for safely using your kerosene heater:

If you’ll be using a fireplace, wood stove, or kerosene heater, install a smoke detector and a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector near the area to be heated. “It is vital to test them monthly and replace batteries twice a year.” says Jim Cook, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator at the tri-county health department. “Try to remember to replace them on the first day of spring, and on the first day of autumn.” All fuel-burning equipment should be vented to the outside. Each winter season have your furnace system and vent checked by a qualified technician to ensure they are functioning properly.

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